The Velavadar Sanctuary For Kaliyar

Plane :
  Bhavnagar - 70 KM

Railway :
  Bhavnagar - 70 KM

Way :
  Ahmedabad - 220 KM
The Velavadar Sanctuary For Kaliyar The Velavadar Sanctuary For Kaliyar
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About 70 km from Bhavanagar is the National Park of Velavadar. In an area of 18 a Sanctuary for a special species of deer is located. This specially designed sanctuary for the beautiful Kaliyar species of deer contains nearly 3000 of them which are roaming this land today. This area is called Bhal Pradesh in Saurashtra.

At one time this area was a personal property of the royal family of Bhavnagar rulers. The Maharaja maintained this for the preservation of the species of deer, and also used it for the game of hunting for personal pleasure or with friends.

In the grassland type of this soil, this is the most well known sanctuary for deer of this species. Although Kaliyars inhabit in other parts of Gujarat and even India, this park has the largest number and according to their latest population (count 1966), however, the number within and around Velavadar touches 3000 only. The best time to visit this sanctuary is around March - April and October - November months.


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