Ahmedabad A in Heritage Walk

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Ahmedabad A in Heritage Walk Ahmedabad A in Heritage Walk
Ahmedabad A in Heritage Walk Ahmedabad A in Heritage Walk
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small and big 'pol's. The distinguishing feature is that each 'pol' or we may call it a lane, has a large entrance with a huge wooden gate. On the gates a small room is kept for the Gatekeeper. The houses have gates with beautiful carvings in wood the small and big pol ,s The distinguishing feature is that each pol or we may call it a Ianc has a large entrance wiht a huge wooden gate On the gates a small room is kept for the Gatekeeper The houses have gates with beautiful carvings in wood the side pillars that the balconies on the upper ends are full ofcarvings of beautiful Apsaras or birds like parror and peacock or intricate flowery designs The central area of the pol has pol has a well a large open spacc and a chabutaro each house has a high plaform and two carved pillars at the entrance The doors within the house are also wooden some bouses had their own rooms were on is periphcry This cnsured goog flow of light and air The houses had corridors a place tho tore grains a place for drinking water eace for the fod or goddess of the family roof supporting beams balconies and windows made from real Burma teakwood and intricate carvings Some of the haveli and Derasars had tanka or tanks of water underground where collected rainwater lifestyle is evident when we observe thc architecture at its best here The comstructino followed the rules of Vastu Shastra the revered bool on architecture since olden times There is on entrance from southern direction in any of the Pol The Heritage Deparment of the Municipal Corporation have obtained he co-operatiion from architects from France and they are working to presreve as many as65 of the artistic houses in the Pol


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